MOViE (Mobility of Volunteers in Europe) .
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The project MOViE (Mobility of Volunteers in Europe) is financed by “Europe for Citizens” Programme, Action 1. Measure 2.2. It will be implemented by the three Heads of Networks of the Anna Lindh Networks in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania with the support of partners from all the EU27 + Croatia and Albania who will contribute to the development of innovative techniques and methods of volunteerism with the purpose to raise awareness towards active European citizenship and participation in various forms and aspects. The envisaged activities will bring together volunteers and citizens from all European countries who will promote the importance of the volunteerism as a form of active European civic participation. Target group of the project are representatives of the civil society from all its sectors (authorities, non-governmental organisations, public institutions, corporate bodies, media and citizens) from all European countries. Four “Hot spots” in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania will be visited by 68 volunteers from the eligible countries, where series of meetings with local stakeholders will be held, as well as public and promotional events, followed by campaigns in every country and a final conference. Participants in the project will interact with local stakeholders and will share experience and good practices and encourage them to strengthen the intercultural dialogue while considering European values and their common heritage.
After the project activities the participants will have to organise a follow-up event back in their countries to disseminate the project results (e.g. public discussion, exhibition, public action, on-line campaign, etc.)
Official project partners are:
Association International Initiatives for Cooperation – Bulgaria
The Black Sea University Foundation – Romania
Hellenic Foundation for Culture - Greece
Below you can find a legend of the route that the four groups will take. Remember to select the group in which you want to take part. There will be 4 different groups for all four “Hot spots”.
The dates and the routes for the different groups are the following:
BLUE TEAM: From 20 April to 1 May the activities will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece. From 1 May to 7 May the activities will be held in Razlog, Bulgaria.
Apply here:
YELLOW TEAM – From 1 May to 12 May the activities will be held in Razlog, Bulgaria. From 12 May to 18 May the activities will be held in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Apply here:
RED TEAM – From 12 May to 23 May the activities will be held in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. From 23 May to 29 May the activities will be held in Bucharest, Romania.
Apply here:
GREEN TEAM – From 23 May to 3 June the activities will be held in Bucharest, Romania.
Apply here: